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11 Chùa Bộc, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
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Zalo: 0834531468

Giới thiệu


See My CV is a personal WordPress theme for creative developers, photographers, architects – in fact anyone who needs creative portfolio or a fancy vCard Resume website. CV theme is a great way to create a personal resume, as powerful functionality lets you display your CV details is a handy and organized yaw, while advanced portfolio options allow you create a portfolio that will fascinate your visitors.

See My CV is not only a CV, resume or vCard theme, but it is also a great personal theme for creative portfolio websites – web designers, digital artists, web developers and other creatives. If you are looking to create a fancy resume, portfolio or CV – See My CV WordPress theme is a great choice!

It also comes bundled with premium slider plugins: Slider Revolution and Layer Slider both included, you can use them for free!

Translation ready, GDPR and RTL-ready, plugin-compatible and professionally-supported theme will make every day you work with your website be a great experience!

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