Liên hệ
11 Chùa Bộc, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Phone: 09416.56789
Liên hệ khác
Facebook: Dũng Cá Xinh
Zalo: 0834531468

Giới thiệu

Nucy is a business and company WordPress theme. We built the theme with latest WordPress technology.

Nucy Business & Company WordPress Theme – Overview

Advanced Theme Customizer
Header & Footer Options
Header layout customization.
Header alternative styles.
Fixed header options.
Menu, element, logo options.
Footer layout customization.
Footer advertisement control.
Footer menu and widget options.
Typography Options
Google Fonts
Font sizes and colors.
Styling & Color Options
Social Media Options
Layout Options

Post listing options.
Layout and post options for archives and categories.
Post and page customization.
Sidebar and layout options.

Favicon Options
Menu Options
Widget Options
Loader Options

Slider Options
Blog Options
WooCommerce Integration
Translation Ready
100% Responsive Design: Mobile, tablet and desktop.
SEO Friendly
Contact Form Integrations
MailChimp Integration
Child Theme

Sidebar position options for all parts.
Sidebar chooser for all parts.
Default WordPress widgets and new theme widgets.
Fixed sidebar options.

One Click Installation
Navigation Options
Layouts & Elements
Dynamic Image Sizing
Comment System
Cross Browser Compatibility
404 Page

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